In an effort to not lose our position, or go "bye-bye" from the Staniak's blog, here's our post (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the comments from the last post). Not that that should be a reason to post, but whatever. Anyway, to give an update it looks like Madisyn's bound for gold. least she thinks she is. I guess in the Olympic spirit, Madisyn's decided she's got a shot at the US Gymnastics team in what would be the 2024 Olympic Games. We had the gymnastics on the other night and Madisyn started running around, waving her arms, jumping (well, what she considers jumping. She does everything correctly, except for actually leaving the ground), and even trying to do a somersault. It was pretty crazy. I wish I could have got video of it. I'll try to get some 'jumping' video if I can. Aside from that, Madisyn moved up to the Circus room at daycare (maybe thats where she's getting the tumbling routine from). She seems to be fine with the transition as she was reunited with her tiny town boyfriend Hayden. Hopefully we get the cute pictures of the two of them from daycare so you guys can all meet him. Here's some pics, since no one comes to these just to read right?
Bubble Time!
(Thanks Aunt Cathy!)

Bubbles must not taste as bad these days as I remeber. We're working on her technique.